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Author Archive

Refrigeration Classification, Properties, and Selection

Posted on: January, 2020

The perfect refrigerant does not exist, and no refrigerant is good for every application. Consequently, […]

Ammonia Machinery Room Ventilation Requirements

Posted on: January, 2020

OBJECTIVE To ensure safety by checking and preventing the accumulation of refrigerant in the machinery […]

10 Best Practices of Design & Operation of Ammonia Relief Valves System for DTC Employees

Posted on: January, 2020

1. Follow Industry’s & Company’s Best Safety Practices. Safety is always our FIRST PRIORITY. Follow […]

Refrigeration Codes and Standards

Posted on: January, 2020

A Standard can be defined as a set of technical definitions and guidelines – or […]

Ammonia Refrigeration Terminologies and Acronyms

Posted on: January, 2020

This is our exhaustive list of refrigeration terms and industry acronyms. download the full bulletin […]

Get to Know Clauger: A 3D Tour of Our HQ and Factory

Posted on: February, 2019

Take a tour of Clauger headquarters, located in Brignais, France.

Clauger Given Recognition by London Stock Exchange as “1,000 Companies to Inspire Europe”

Posted on: October, 2018

Clauger has been honored to be included in the “1,000 Companies to Inspire Europe” by […]

Our Work Around the World: Brazilian Cheesemakers’ Dreams Become Reality with the Help of Clauger

Posted on: September, 2018

For 2 years, Mikel Aranzabal, South American zone sales manager and Sébastien Lagneaux, head of […]

Clauger Becomes First Hygienic Climate Control Expert Certified in 3-A Practices

Posted on: June, 2018

This US certification that is recognized worldwide provides further evidence of the quality, high hygienic […]

Get To Know Clauger: Introducing our New Swiss Division, Clauger Helvetica

Posted on: May, 2018

Clauger introduces its newest subsidiary, “Clauger Helvetica”, located in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. “Creation of Clauger Helvetica […]